Monday, May 26, 2008

-= Kebu-ingan Ku Ari Ane =-

Today waz juz another typical Monday cept that sanang brabiz ku d whole day tym kraja... Waz supposed to have two classes on Mondays but then was taken up by another tutor in school... One waz used to help the U6 students revise for the AS June paper taking place soon [ Good Luckz ] and klas yang satu gi used for the L6 progress test [ Mudahan tah jua my students did well for this paper 'sal 40% tu ah ] ---> Anonymous subject :)

Hmm bahapa tah ku ari ane ah d skulah?? So all I did waz the leftover marking of the Progress Test paper for those absentees and hanging outz at the colleagues staffroom rah School Admin Block coz staffroom masa ane wazn't as peaceful as b4, antah napa ah tersumbat tu ah telinga mun batah batah beparam rah staffroom. Mun ganya mendangar org mengomplain ja tiap tiap ari [ Membari sasak x ah, buleh!!! ] Oh yeah, I had to stay back in the afternoon to accumulate the 3 afternoon stay-back sessions, mun inda d capai ada tia surat kinta d kirim, wahahaha...

B4 headin home, did stopped by at Baiduri Bank to withdraw some $$$ to pay off my car loan and AMEX bills ( Wondering when will I actually be bills-free??? ) Kekapehan bnr...

M now back at home relaxin as if i had worked my a** off today... Hahaha!!! Will see later if anything exciting's gonna happen later for me to add another post... If not, then seriously speaking I basically did nuthin much today... Ciao!!



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