Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where Have I Been All This While???

-= Hello once again =-

Hmm... So what have I been up to all this while?? It's been 3 weeks since I have last updated my blog... Sebenarnya malas plg udah ku kan mengupdate ane... Haha!! After the KK trip, it's been all work and nuthing but work sad to say... Each day passed without anything exciting happening till.... June 14th!!! And y is that?? It's the day that I have been waiting for coz it's the time to celebrate the end of school's second term... and I'm on holiday... :) And that means I can pack my stuff to be on a holiday trip to... where else but SINGAPORE a.k.a. The Lion City... Sebenarnya awal plg udah ku mempacking brg2 ku atu... so ku unpack lagi and then repack... hahaha saja2 membuang masa as fast as possible... huhu~~ then June 15th... It happened to be Father's day so me and my keluarga had dinner rah Excapade sushi... Nyaman bnr ah sushi d sana... *yum yum*

Then the time came to where I was supposed to sleep and get some rest for my trip the next day at 8am... Tapi... aku inda dapat tdur coz telampau excited kan blyar ane... Singapore x ah buleh... so ku main PSP ku the whole nite long and then mandi at arnd 4.45am coz kami betolak ke a-pot at 5.30am... So ku check brg2 ku lagi and then panicked for awhile coz I couldn't get the padlock to my luggage unlocked... Sigh... panick bnr ku tym atu but then in the end, I got it opened...

So ku tunggu bOguS JuDe to pick me up 8 my house and then ke umah bOguS CePu to aga him coz ia ikut aku jua ke Singapore... Once in the airport, kami pun check in dulu sal inda mau tejam rah queue... then bOguS CePu met up with his luv one so I went in awal to go to the Sky Lounge to enjoy the place coz ada free food and drinks and be-tv lagi... relaks la d dlm... And y am i able to go in??? Coz I got the Baiduri AMEX RBA gold card...

Hmm what happened in Singapore??? Well nuthing much happened plg mostly... just shopping and eating and smoking.. syuk menabun d sana unlyk d Brunei byk tmpat d larang merokok... hahah... Bdw, I cudn't believe that the shoe i wore to S'pore with membuka mulutnya and so the next day I had to go to Queensway to get new shoes and I got the Nike Air which costs $100... Happy la kononnya dapat kasut baru but then actually I din plan on getting any shoes at ALL in singapore... Then on the third day, it rained quite heavily jua la d sana but then rain cudn't stop us from shopping :P

So we jln2 arnd Orchard Road... and ran for most of the time d sana coz ujan... then things we din wished to happen actually happened... hahaha bOguS CePu knows what I'm toking abt... Its a SECRET.... Then it was time to head back to "good ol Brunei" on Friday Nite... At Changi Airport, me and bOguS CePu had to go up to the second level to buy Burger King for bOguS JuDe and bOguS niL coz it's an agreement that with those burgers only they'll pick us up...

Now m back in Brunei spending the days of the second week of the holidays and getting ready to go back to work NOT!!!.... Currently m posting my blog at bOguS JuDe's house and witnessing him cleaning up his messy ( and I mean MESSYYYY ) room... hahahah

That's it I guess for now and till then ( dunno when... ) Asta La Vista!!! Adios Amigos!!!



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